Safeguarding Children Policy

Child safeguarding policy statement of the constituent members of the Catholic Church in Ireland

View/download the Tuam Archdiocese Safeguarding Children Statement

The Safeguarding Children Policy of the Archdiocese of Tuam has been developed by the Tuam Diocesan Safeguarding Children Committee, and is compliant with civil legislation (Children First 1999)1 and church guidelines (Safeguarding Children 2009)2 .

The Policy includes a Code of Conduct, Core Procedures and a Confidentiality Statement. It is the policy for all parishes of the diocese and for all diocesan agencies. It has been approved by the Archbishop of Tuam, Dr Michael Neary.

The Safeguarding Children Policy of the Archdiocese of Tuam applies to all church personnel, paid or voluntary, who work with children/young people and also to the children/young people in their care. In this Policy ‘children/young people’ are defined as persons who have not reached eighteen years of age.

This Policy will be made known to the whole church community including children/young people. It will be subject to review every three years.